UART6 configuration for A9 access

Discussion in 'UDOO NEO' started by Mikeee, Mar 22, 2016.

  1. Mikeee

    Mikeee Member

    Nov 1, 2013
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    I’m having trouble with UART6 after setup. Unable to RX data on this port. The following is the procedure used to setup the port.
    1. Use device tree editor to assign UART6 to pins 30 to 33. Rx is pin 30 and Tx is pin 31. Save config and reboot board.
    2. After boot up issue the following commands to assign to dialout group and add permissions.
      udooer@udooneo:~$ ls -l /dev/ttymxc5
      crw------- 1 root root 207, 21 Dec 31  1969 /dev/ttymxc5
      udooer@udooneo:~$ sudo chgrp dialout /dev/ttymxc5
      udooer@udooneo:~$ ls -l /dev/ttymxc5
      crw------- 1 root dialout 207, 21 Dec 31  1969 /dev/ttymxc5
      udooer@udooneo:~$ sudo chmod g+rw /dev/ttymxc5
      udooer@udooneo:~$ ls -l /dev/ttymxc5
      crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 207, 21 Dec 31  1969 /dev/ttymxc5
    3. Then test the port. Program the M4 with the Multiserial example program from the Arduino IDE change ports to Serial.begin(115200);
      and Serial0.begin(9600);
    4. Open Serial Monitor in IDE.
    5. Open another Terminal window and run minicom -s to setup access to UART6
      Parameters set to Port = /dev/ttymxc5
      Comm Parameters = 9600 8N1
      Hardware Flow Control = No
    6. Cross connect the TX and RX of M4 pins 0,1 to UART6 pins 30,31
    With this setup entering text into the Minicom window will appear in the IDE Serial Monitor window. SUCCESS
    Enter text to send in the IDE Serial Monitor window hit SEND the text should appear in the Minicom window. FAIL

    Hope there is something that I have left out that has caused this to not work. Proved that the IDE Serial Monitor section works by connecting it to an Arduino Due. I can send text back and forth between the M4 and the Arduino Due using IDE Serial Monitor on each. So back to RX problem with UART6.

    Sorry this message is so long but it might help someone point out the error I have made with UART6 setup.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2016
  2. Mikeee

    Mikeee Member

    Nov 1, 2013
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    Did a search and just found this message. This would probably fix my UART6 problem.

    Has this patch been commited to the source? If not will it be part of the next OS image that is released? I'm unsure of how to go about applying the patch myself and compiling the Kernel.
    waltervl likes this.
  3. delba

    delba Administrator Staff Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Hi Mikeee, we'll add the patch in the next OS image :)
    waltervl and Mikeee like this.
  4. Mikeee

    Mikeee Member

    Nov 1, 2013
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    Thanks, glad to hear it. I'm using the M4 right now to give the A9 an external port. It works but would prefer to go directly from the A9 to the serial port and free up the M4 for other tasks.

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