Hey guys, sry for my post, but i have some trouble with using the Arduino IDE HFP. I have installed the ide and no error is occurred during the installation. But, if i want to start the ide with command from this http://www.udoo.org/install-the-arduino-ide-hfp/ site, the bash prompts an error with: "Java: No such File or directory" I use Ubunut 12.04. Although i have done: sudo update-alternatives --config java && sudo update-alternatives --config javac and setup to the ire 1.7.0_51 I type "java - version" and "javac -version" into the terminal, but it occures the same error as if i want to start the Arduino IDE HFP. Does anybody knows, if the Arduino HFP IDE fix the serial and converting (atoi) problems? I hope you can help me. best regards
KFK-mpg, we didn't release the HF version of Ubuntu 12.04, only Debian & Ubuntu Studio. Try with Debian armHF and let me know.