Currently I have Udoo Quad and have the Hello World on Arduino running which is great. Wondering how do I debug the arduino code. For example, where does the print statements on Arduino side show up? Can I connect Udoo to any Arduino debuggers? Thanks
What Hello World sketch, do you have a link? If I google I see Hello World sketches for connection with a LCD screen. If you have that attached then you would expect those print statements coming out there what is in front of print? lcd.print or serial.print? Normally you use serial.print It prints data to the Serial port that you can monitor with the Arduino IDE Serial monitor.
Waltervl, Thanks for the response. I am using the following link to set it up. The code simply uses printf("\r\nUDOO ADK demo start\r\n"); and I am curious as to where this would appear. If I use serial.print, the problem would be that in order for Arduino to Android communication to work, I have to set the external OTG to off. If I set it off, the arduino board will not appear through serial on my Aruduino IDE. Any thoughts on how to get around this? Thanks, Venki