Can i received and send of date to cloud from Barometric, Temp sensor and sensor (Seeedstudio) which to connect through Grove Shield?
I received a reply from Code: import time import sys import commands import subprocess from ubidots import ApiClient try: api = ApiClient(token="4d195c0044fcc3b9f6dab9d653af3") except: print("Couldn't connect to the API, check your Internet connection") sys.exit(0) while(1): data = commands.getstatusoutput('cat /sys/class/misc/FreescaleGyroscope/data') output = data[1].split(',') api.save_collection([{'variable':'5657616d762542269dfb3833','value':output[0]},{'variable':'56576179762542269dfb3849','value':output[1]},{'variable':'5657618476254227de42b754','value':output[2]}]) How connect other sensor?
Did you succeed in reading values from the Temperature sensor and the AirQuality sensor from the Arduino Serial monitor on the Udoo? Once you get that running you can have a python program read those values from serial and send them to the cloud. Other sensors that are connected directly to the Linux side can be read through Python or Java and the send to the cloud.
The code sends data, but first wrote echo: I / O error: Code: #Sensor examples for everything builtin the board such as #Magnometer -> Magnetic pull on device #Gyroscope - > xyz tilt degree on the device #Accelerometer -> xyz directional force measurment # A library (example) to get the current values for the outboard sensors such as # Temperature sensor # Barometer from neo import Accel # import accelerometer from neo import Magno # import magnometer from neo import Gyro # import gyroscope from neo import Temp #import libraries from neo import Barometer from time import sleep # to add delays gyro = Gyro() # new objects p.s. this will auto initialize the device onboard accel = Accel() magno = Magno() temp = Temp() # init objects p.s. I auto initialize/reset the modules on these calls baro = Barometer() accel.calibrate() gyro.calibrate() # Reset current values to 0 magno.calibrate() gyroVals = gyro.get() # Returns a full xyz list [x,y,z] realtime (integers/degrees) magnoVals = magno.get() # Above accelVals = accel.get() # Same as gyro return xyz of current displacment force tempVal = temp.getTemp("f") # replace f with c to get celcius pressureVal = baro.getPressure() # gets the pressure in kPA tempFromBaro = baro.getTemp("c") # slower than temp sensor but still works same as temp sensor replace c with f for different modes # Ubidots send import time import sys import commands import subprocess from ubidots import ApiClient try: api = ApiClient(token="my111111111111111111") except: print("Couldn't connect to the API, check your Internet connection") sys.exit(0) while(1): # Gyroscope - gyroVals api.save_collection([{'variable':'57764c607625426dabe59553','value':gyroVals[0]}, {'variable':'5777ab807625426b4b374590','value':gyroVals[1]},{'variable':'5777ad1a76254278d965ab79','value':gyroVals[2]}]) #Magnometer - magnoVals api.save_collection([{'variable':'57791489762542273026d016','value':magnoVals[0]}, {'variable':'577914957625422752d8e2ee','value':magnoVals[1]},{'variable':'5779149e76254227fe248510','value':magnoVals[2]}]) #Accelerometer - accelVals api.save_collection([{'variable':'5779209e762542373fde5702','value':accelVals[0]}, {'variable':'577920a776254237c318b71a','value':accelVals[1]},{'variable':'577920ad76254237e23ea12b','value':accelVals[2]}]) #Temperature sensor - tempVal api.save_collection([{'variable':'5777bbe67625427a308c0c91','value':tempVal}]) #Barometer - pressureVal api.save_collection([{'variable':'5779289a76254218a67eacaf','value':pressureVal}]) #TempFromBaro api.save_collection([{'variable':'5777bbee7625427a763c7332','value':tempFromBaro}])
It will not work as the Neo is not an Arduino with a wifi shield (prerequisite). The Neo is a raspberry pi-ish Linux computer with an Arduino on 1 board. Instead of the USB to talk between the Arduino and linux the Neo uses a special serial device called /dev/ttyMCC in Linux, and called "Serial" in Arduino. To put sensor data in thingspeak you use the Arduino to read the data, send it through Serial.println to Linux. On the Linux side use a python program to read the sensor data from Arduino (use /dev/ttyMCC) and send it to thingspeak. For examples how to send sensor data from Arduino to Linux see documentation Serial Library. For examples how to send data from Linux to thingspeak use Google (search for "raspberry pi thingspeak").
I found python script on github: Code: import httplib, urllib from time import localtime, strftime # download from import psutil import time def doit(): cpu_pc = psutil.cpu_percent() mem_avail_mb = psutil.avail_phymem()/1000000 params = urllib.urlencode({'field1': cpu_pc, 'field2': mem_avail_mb,'key':'YOURKEYHERE'}) headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded","Accept": "text/plain"} conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("") try: conn.request("POST", "/update", params, headers) response = conn.getresponse() print cpu_pc print mem_avail_mb print strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", localtime()) print response.status, response.reason data = conn.close() except: print "connection failed" #sleep for 16 seconds (api limit of 15 secs) if __name__ == "__main__": while True: doit() time.sleep(16)
As said the linux part is raspberry pi-ish. So do not expect to pi specific python libraries to work. You have to use Neo specific libraries or do it without libraries.
I see you are asking someone again so I will show you more in detail: Edit: created a separate Thingspeak how-to instruction
Please check and combine the different Neo Arduino examples for Neo Sensors and Bricks in the Arduino IDE on the Neo and make it one sketch that reads all your sensors. Motion Sensors: The Bricks are accessible through I2C-2 and you can use the Arduino examples in the Arduino IDE on the Neo. Please take it step for step. Try 1 example and slowly add the next one. Do not try to upload to Thingspeak straight away but first check if the Serial Monitor output of the Arduino IDE is correct. In my example the Serial output waits until something appears on the serial line from A9 so you first have to send a character to the Arduino before the Serial monitor will print the values to your serial monitor. So don't panic if at first nothing shows up.