Hi there, I want to read the temperature and humidity information read by a DHT11 sensor connected to GPIO 47 on the Linux side of Udoo Neo. How can I do that? Is there a simple way I can read the GPIO info and calculate the information? Right now, using `cat /gpio/pin47/value` gives me nothing...
This sensor uses a communication protocol to send the data. There is a python library to read the sensor data with the protocol on the Linux side but not for the Neo. You will have to modify it. https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_Python_DHT/
Thanks Walter. I can try that, but I wish I could at least read the raw data from it - I wonder if that's possible.
Er, I just realized that this sensor is not as simple to read, as it requires to be briefly put in output mode and then back to input mode so it can read something. I will investigate more.
You could look at this https://github.com/cmuartfab/Udoo/tree/master/puredata/gpio but it is already 3 years old so likely not to work anymore.