Ciao a tutti, questo messaggio è per aggiornarvi del fatto che oggi è nato il gruppo ufficiale Italiano di UDOO su Telegram: Unitevi al gruppo, vi aspettiamo lì! Hello to you all, this message is to update you that today the official Italian group of UDOO is born on Telegram: Join the group, we're waiting for you! P.S.: di solito su questo gruppo l'Inglese è l'unica lingua accettata. Ho fatto il post in Italiano perché il gruppo summenzionato è per UDOOer Italiani, ma è solo una tantum. L'unica lingua permessa su questo forum continua a essere l'Inglese. P.S.: usually on this forum English is the only language allowed. I've made this post in Italian because the aforementioned group is for Italian UDOOers, but this is just a one-off thing. The only allowed language on this forum will keep being Italian.
Just being curious: Telegram is a WhatsApp like chat app. What advantages does that have above a forum? I personally would not like that at all, all kind of discussions running through eachother, no search etc. Or do you Italians like to chat that much?
@waltervl Telegram is a nice alternative to WhatsApp, and has good multi-platform access. I don't have a smart phone and therefore could not register for WhatsApp, so instead got Telegram, which is not as restrictive. I've been using it for a while now, and very happy with the platform. You can create bots with Telegram that can interact with the physical world, so it's a good fit for maker boards like UDOO X86. The option is there for a user to have a contact on their mobile that can be used to check PC status, and turn it on and off. Bots can display custom keyboards too, making it even easier to interact with. For example, you can have an on and off button displayed, instead of having to type on or off.
@waltervl To add to my previous comment (as I neglected to include anything about advantages over a forum ) - You can search Telegram chats, including group chats. You can also filter the chat, so it displays only the pictures or other media. A Telegram group is a quick way of sharing little pieces of information or getting quick answers, though, like you mentioned, discussions can run through each other. Fortunately there's the option of transferring over to a quick one-to-one chat, or creating another room for a specific help/discussion topic. In yesterday's group chat, Esteban mentioned that a group for English speakers is planned
This wasn't as an official initiative, it was an idea of @estebanSannin, who've opened the chat group on Telegram to talk in Italian with Italian friends of himself who were asking him info about UDOO X86. When I entered the chat group I thought that it was a good idea to launch it officially, for one main reason: we don't have any vehicle of communication with Italian people - and this is quite strange for an Italian product. Consider that each year I meet people at Maker Faire Rome aged 14-25 asking for something in Italian, because a) they're not good at English; b) they'd prefer something in their own language anyway - and this means that they also choose a board to use it in the classroom depending on the language of the community / documentation. Moreover UDOO aims to be an educational product, and we've seen that you got to have something in the language of the teacher you want to approach to approach him. Here in Siena for example we have a strong relationship with Sarrocchi, a technical high school in Siena, and from time to time we have highschoolers floating around the lab. They are great with Arduino, UDOO and the likes, but they suck at English - last year, for example, they work with us on the smart coffee machine, so they got real problems with the documentation. And believe it or not, this is not that uncommon for Italian teenagers / highschoolers / freshmans / University students. Why Telegram? Ask @estebanSannin for this! I just jumped on board Btw, Telegram has 2 good points over Whatsapp for this purpose: we can give you a link for the chat I can use Telegram from the PC even without a smartphone nearby. Speaking of Telegram vs The Forum, I don't see any contrapposition. The forum is to talk about actual problems and how to solve them. Otherwise, it's a good place to share ideas and work together on something. A chat group is more personal, and it's better to share an experience. Say for example that I shoot some photos at Maker Faire Rome - I always shoot tons of photos btw: how should I share these photos in the forum? It's clearly not the place for this: it would be time-consuming for you and for me. It's much faster through an IM app. And it's also easier to reach the people. Not to mention that on a chat we could talk without rules. You got a joke on Linus Torvalds you're eager to tell? You're free to do it. While you're not in the forum. On a forum you can ask technical questions or point out an error, on a chat you cannot. Of course you'd say: there's Twitter and Facebook for that. Yes, there is, but I think IM is more personal and anyway, this Telegram-thing's a test guys. In other words, this chat group is the fast & relaxed version of a forum, IMHO, with a different purpose at heart.
Ok I get it, won't follow though as I really like the forum. On other support forums with an international audience there is often a language subforum. Why not make an Italian, French and/or German here? Dutch is not needed as everyone here speaks English very well from 12-13 years. I wouldn't mind if it attracts traffic to the forum and issues will be solved! The international forum will find the topics with the search as a lot has general search topics. We can keep al the questions on one platform. And also this forum is really platform independant
The more Italians on this forum will increase the chance he/she is also possible to help the international users. Now I see a lot of questions remain unanswered. An Italian could guide to the italian topic were the issue was solved. So if we miss a lot of users here because of the language please make a language subforum!!!
The problem with a French and/or German subforum is that nobody here speaks French or German, so nobody of the UDOO Team could be able to help. Following your reasoning against Telegram we also shouldn't have a Facebook page, also considering that many people ask us stuff on Fb publicly or via private messages.
The French and or German moderating I understand, I don't see allot of language issues there. But Private Messages on the forum i would switch off (I did it at least) as every technical/usage question should be public so everybody can find it and learn from it. It would also save you time because you don't have to answer the same question twice. Also on Facebook, support questions should be redirected to the support forum for the same reason. Is saw that on the Udoo Telegram discussion the battery voltage issue was discussed. Now all non italians are excluded from this information (luckily @Laura could redirect it). Also for you as Udoo Team you only have to monitor 1 main support stream instead of multiple. You have chosen for this forum as your support medium, please stick to that and promote it. To promote Udoo products you can use all media you would like
@waltervl I promise I'll do my best to share any info with both the Italian Telegram group and the forum. My heart belongs to the forum, of course, but since we launched this thing a couple of days ago I'd like not to kill it yet. If it will turn out to be deleterious we'll change path, and quit it, eventually, but for now I'd like to give it a try.
Telegram we also shouldn't have a Facebook page, Speed Test also considering that many people ask us stuff on Fb publicly or via private messages.