Your can see all the dependencies with bitbake: Code: bitbake -g udoo-image-full-cmdline -u depexp Which package manager are you using?
Just to let you know I was trying to build this on new freshly installed 16.04 server and at some point I got error that python was not installed. Not sure if you do check for prerequisites .... but if you do can you add python?
Ok So I started fresh build just some time ago and I got this error message after some time building. I am building on 1604LTS server with latest updates. NOTE: Fetching uninative binary shim from NOTE: Preparing RunQueue NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks ERROR: linux-udooboard-3.14.56-r0 do_patch: Command Error: 'quilt --quiltrc /home/rob/Yocto/udoo-yocto-base/poky/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/etc/quiltrc push' exited with 1 Output: Applying patch 0020-udooneo-enable-ecspi2.patch patching file arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6sx-udoo-neo-externalpins.dtsi Hunk #3 FAILED at 162. 1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- rejects in file arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6sx-udoo-neo-externalpins.dtsi Patch 0020-udooneo-enable-ecspi2.patch does not apply (enforce with -f) ERROR: linux-udooboard-3.14.56-r0 do_patch: Function failed: patch_do_patch ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/rob/Yocto/udoo-yocto-base/poky/build/tmp/work/udooneo-poky-linux-gnueabi/linux-udooboard/3.14.56-r0/temp/log.do_patch.16965 ERROR: Task 51 (/home/rob/Yocto/udoo-yocto-base/poky/meta-udoo/recipes-kernel/linux/, do_patch) failed with exit code '1' NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 996 tasks of which 0 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed. Waiting for 0 running tasks to finish: Summary: 1 task failed: /home/rob/Yocto/udoo-yocto-base/poky/meta-udoo/recipes-kernel/linux/, do_patch Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown. Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code. Any ideas?
I do not check for prerequisites as BitBake normally do. Did you try to clean your image? Code: bitbake -c cleanall udoo-image-full-cmdline bitbake udoo-image-full-cmdline It seems that the ecspi2 patch needs to be updated...
Ok so I did clean pull and build. I got same issue as I reported. So then I did try Code: bitbake -c cleanall udoo-image-full-cmdline bitbake udoo-image-full-cmdline And got this again Code: NOTE: Preparing RunQueue NOTE: Executing SetScene Tasks NOTE: Executing RunQueue Tasks ERROR: linux-udooboard-3.14.56-r0 do_patch: Command Error: 'quilt --quiltrc /home/rob/Yocto/udoo-yocto-base/poky/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/etc/quiltrc push' exited with 1 Output: Applying patch 0020-udooneo-enable-ecspi2.patch patching file arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6sx-udoo-neo-externalpins.dtsi Hunk #3 FAILED at 162. 1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- rejects in file arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6sx-udoo-neo-externalpins.dtsi Patch 0020-udooneo-enable-ecspi2.patch does not apply (enforce with -f) ERROR: linux-udooboard-3.14.56-r0 do_patch: Function failed: patch_do_patch ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/rob/Yocto/udoo-yocto-base/poky/build/tmp/work/udooneo-poky-linux-gnueabi/linux-udooboard/3.14.56-r0/temp/log.do_patch.26024 ERROR: Task 51 (/home/rob/Yocto/udoo-yocto-base/poky/meta-udoo/recipes-kernel/linux/, do_patch) failed with exit code '1' NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 1007 tasks of which 998 didn't need to be rerun and 1 failed. Waiting for 0 running tasks to finish: Summary: 1 task failed: /home/rob/Yocto/udoo-yocto-base/poky/meta-udoo/recipes-kernel/linux/, do_patch Summary: There was 1 WARNING message shown. Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
I have to update the "0020-udooneo-enable-ecspi2.patch" patch that enable the SPI bus in the imx6sx-udoo-neo-externalpins.dtsi file.
S Sure thing. Let me know when you get to it and I will give it a try again. Thank you for all your help!!!!
I updated the repo. Code: cd udoo-yocto-base source cd poky/build bitbake -c cleanall linux-udooboard bitbake udoo-image-full-cmdline
Thank you. Just started the build. Will let you know in a few UPDATE: I was able to build with out any errors. Will give it a spin in a few.
Ok... So image was build on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and it did booted from SD card just fine. So Thank You Very Much for your help and support!!!! After reading some Yocto documentation I wanted to change couple of things. Since I am just starting rebuilding the image each time takes some time 1. I am trying to remove root login and replace with udooer/uddoer. So I did edited udoo-yocto-base/conf/local.conf and added following below. But what I am still trying to figure out is uncomment %sudo section in /etc/sudoers or echo this from build script to /etc/sudoers INHERIT += "extrausers" EXTRA_USERS_PARAMS = "\ useradd -p udooer udooer; \ usermod -s /bin/bash; \ groupmod -a -G sudo udooer; \ " EDIT: After building with above and logging as root I see that udooer exists in shado, passwd and group. But the password is not set in shadow... Also groupmod -a -G sudo udooer did not take effect and udooer was not added to sudo group. Hmmm 2. Disable root access (want to know what are the options to do this) a. All root access (tty/serial/serial). I think this is by removing debug-tweaks or b. All access except when connecting over serial 3. I was trying to add following packages that I use all the time tcpdump, htop, bmon, iptraf, gpgv I did try to add them to EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES but this gave me error. Now I am reading perhaps better option is IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " htop"? One for each above? 4. For development version I am building tools-sdk tools-profile tools-debug. Still will do cross compile most of the time but it might be useful at times to have these tools on board. I am not clear what is the purpose of dev-pkgs 5. If baking non development version where no development tools are needed I am thinking about empty EXTRA_IMAGE_FEATURES. That sounds ok? 6. I was trying to add repo to cooked image and I got error that gpgv was not found. If anyone can help thank you....
So I found on your side section to get and build kernel. One obvious part is that clicking on "How To Compile The Kernel Sources" produces 404 Page not found. [Support] Also wondering if you have any plans to release updated minimal to have working WIFI? [cyrilif] Thank you for all your steps and help. This is great learning for me!!! But I have to plow with other tasks and I am looking for something that I can just install, has proper apt-get/ppa, WIFI, no root login enabled and no desktop. At this time to continue I think I might go with desktop version and just uninstall various packages.
I was able to rebuild minimal from source and I got WIFI working!!! EDIT: Actually I did go back to udoo neo minimal released version and I got WIFI working. Looks like the problem from other posts was improper driver loaded. Would it be possible to add this to next official minimal build? Code: cat /etc/network/interface # Wireless interfaces allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet dhcp wireless_mode managed wireless_essid any wpa-driver nl80211 wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf Also add default template to Code: cat /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant ctrl_interface_group=0 update_config=1 network={ ssid="TOP-SECRET" scan_ssid=1 proto=WPA key_mgmt=WPA-PSK pairwise=TKIP group=TKIP psk="Insert your top secret key here" } After ssid and psk was set just reboot and then issue Code: ifup wlan0 or ifconfig wlan0 up