Ciao a tutti, ho una UDOO X86 advanced in cui ho messo win10 su un SSD e mi chiedevo: com'è legata l'alimentazione del modulo arduino all'alimentazione della parte PC? Se metto windows in sospensione o lo spengo, anche arduino si spegne. In sostanza, arduino è acceso solo se il led di alimentazione è VERDE. Come si fa ad avere la parte X86 spenta ed arduino acceso? Devo alimentare arduino esternamente? diglo Ecco il mio UDOO:
Waiting or a proper Italian answer I put it here in English: According this page you have to put Windows in one of the Sleep/Hibernation states (ACPI S3/S4/S5) Here is more information about this topic in combination with Windows 10: Please put here your results so other peaple can learn from it (I have no Udoo X86)
Walter, I already tried to put win10 in sleep mode, the power LED goes from green to amber and the arduino powers down! Walter, ho già provato a mettere win10 in sleep, il led diventa arancione e l'arduino si spegne!
You also have Hibernate (S5), what will that do? Sleep can also be configured as Modern Standby (S0) In this link I gave earlier there is also a command powercfg -a that shows all the states that are available. There is more information about this command here.
Ok Il' give it a try but it looks like it's not possibile to have the pentium completely OFF and the arduino ON at the same time... Ok farò qualche prova ma sembra quindi non possibile avere il pentium completamente OFF e arduino ON allo stesso tempo...
Yes, i know Arduino can act as a "power button presser", which can wake the main CPU from S3/S4/S5, namely: sleep/hibernation/OFF. The topic here is how to have arduino powered ON while the main CPU is in S3/S4/S5 states, which now looks impossible without an external power supply to the adruino (which I did not test yet).
I understand you completely. But I think it is not clear how windows puts the CPU in one of these states. Perhaps there is an option in UEFI that can help? Eventually the documentation could help but Udoo team is not helping a lot here now. So we have to figure it out ourselves.
Given that UDOO mentions the idea of starting the main CPU from the Arduino I'd be quite surprised if one needs a second power source to keep the Arduino running. It would void one of my ideas.
Putting the Braswell in S3 equals to put Win10 into Standby (with Win10). The command powercfg -a shows that S3=standby. Given that the cpu wakeup is done with a LOW 20ms pulse on IO9, I uploaded a sketch which just keeps IO9 HIGH al the time. The sequence of events is this: Win10 is running, arduino IO9 is high. Power LED is green I put win10 to standby Once windows goes to standby, the power to arduino is cut, IO9 goes LOW and windows wakes up again. The power LED turns amber for half a second, then green again. Windows is running again. You can't even put windows to sleep! Am I missing something? diglo
You definately need some assistance of Udoo Team: @Andrea Rovai ?? Furthermore, lets keep this centralized in 1 discussion, I suggest to use the one you started on the Udoo X86 forum: