I have a problem with my board Neo. When I attached it to PC, can't be see it as RNDIS Kitl. The PC detect it as 'SE blank PELE', so I can't use the USB Direct Connection.
Hi waltervl and thank you for your reply, I have trying many USB cables and USB ports. Also I have using the same steps for the Usb direct connection. But my PC doesn't recognize the board.
Does your Neo boot properly if not connected to USB? Do you see the Neo desktop when connected to a HDMI monitor (TV)? Or with wired LAN can you connect to the Neo with VNC viewer? On what windows OS is your PC?
I don't know because I don't test it. I must purchase a micro HDMI cable to verify. I'll keep you informed. (Windows 7 X64). Thank you. Some related questions: 1- For using usb direction connection, I must use SD card with an operation system (UDOObuntu 2.1.4, ANDROID 6.0.1 MARSHMALLOW,...)? 2- When I attached my Neo to PC without sd card, a driver is intsalled automaticlly for the 'SE blank PELE' and not for the RNDIS kitl. (a green led light) 3-When I attached my Neo to PC with sd card (with operation system), nothing has happened (my PC doesn't detect anything). A green led light, and a red led light for a few moments.
You need an SD card with Udoobuntu 2.x It will boot the Neo and create the network connection through USB. I am not sure if this works with Android for Neo, never tested it. Normally this should work with Udoobuntu 2. If not, it is likely a bad USB cable, too less power supply delivered by PC usb.
You can use a 12V 2A power connector. It is probably even better as the power through USB only is very limited. See also https://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Getting_Started/Very_First_Start.html
I have done the following steps: 1- I have inserted a Micro SD Card which contain udoobuntu-udoo-neo-desktop_2.1.4; 2- I have connected it to my PC Network via Ethernet Cable; 3- I have conneted the board with a 12V 2A power connector; But my PC show me an undefined network!! (please see picture). Also using google chrome I can't acess to the board using this command: udooneo.local/
Step 2 confuses me, it would connect your Neo to a network, not directly to your PC. If you connect your Neo with the USB cable to your laptop its IP address should be You can try to connect directly to that IP address instead of the udooneo.local hostname.
I apologize, the step two consist to connect the board to the network. But I have the same problem. I can't see the Neo in the interface of my network and I don't acces to it using the command udooneo.local. (I have used a 16Go SD card)
You have to find the IP of the Neo given by your home router and connect with that. The easiest way without a monitor connected to the Neo is to check the connected devices through the admin website of your router. The first time the Neo starts from a new OS image it can take several minutes as the SD card is being initialized.
The Neo was starts since 20min and I don't see it through the admin website of my router. When I power up the Neo a green led is on, after that a red led is also on for 5s and it's turned off. Should the red led still on when the Neo starts, or it's works like my case? Some information: -The IP adress of my router is: -The Neo isconnected to my router through the LAN1.
Then it looks like your Neo is not starting properly, most probably an incorrect image on your SD card. Lan network is always working without problems. Did you unzip (extract) the downloaded image with 7zip? Do not use the standard windows zip/unzip! See also https://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Getting_Started/Create_a_bootable_MicroSD_card_for_UDOO_Neo.html The red light is SD card activity. You can also use a TTL/USB device to debug startup issues. But first start with a correct image. https://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Basic_Setup/Serial_Debug_Console.html
I have a 16Go SD card formated as FAT32 (8192 octets). I strictly follow these steps: 1- I have downloded OS image of UDOObuntu 2.1.4 (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) from: https://www.udoo.org/downloads/ 2- I have extracted the downloded image with 7zip. 3- I have created a bootable Micro SD card from image using Win32 disk imager. When the Neo starts, the red light is on just for 5s and it's turned off (is it normal?)