Has anyone installed FreeBSD in UdooBOLT ? I only managed to install FreeBSD on UdooX86 [italiano] Qualcuno ha installato FreeBSD in UdooBOLT ? Io sono riuscito ad installare FreeBSD solo in UdooX86
I was thinking I would install FreeNAS (which is FreeBSD based). I will let you know if I get it working or not.
I created a FreeBSD 12.1 bootable USB stick and booted from it successfully, and started a live CD on my UDOO Bolt. It ran just fine, so I have every reason to believe that installing it would be fine too.
Dearest jorgy, I also created a usb stick with FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img and also with FreeBSD-12.1-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso but unfortunately the boot stopped and the computer went into freeze. Thanks for yor reply
Usually the culprit is the boot-time eMMC support (assuming OS is installed there as the system drive.) Find a patch would be the workaround, if that is the issue and if such patch exists.
Dearest jorgy, Really I was unable to complete the boot even with the SATA disk. However, I will try again as soon as I have free time. Best regards
Dearest ccs_hello, If you were able to install FreeBSD in the EMMC I would be happy because now I have installed Manjaro in the M2 Nvme, Debian in the M2 Transcend and Ubuntu in the SATA then only the EMMC remains free where I currently have a second Ubuntu installation. Thank you very much
For installation on the eMMC on the Bolt you need a patch or a Linux version that already uses a kernel >= 5.2.5 See also the documentation https://www.udoo.org/docs-bolt/Operating_Systems/Linux/Known_issues.html I do not know what kernel verion FreeBSD uses.
Stupid me, FreeBSD uses its own kernel so you will have to check if the AMD eMMC driver is implemented.