This looks like the same as the problem i report here...
I've found that if the script takes time to start the mqx_upload_on_m4SoloX returns an error (even if the script is working correctly): UDOONeo -...
use "which udooneo-m4uploader" in place of "find /usr | grep m4uploader" (that's shorter) you can even find and open it in one line: sudo leafpad...
The board ID is composed with the content of those two files: /sys/fsl_otp/HW_OCOTP_CFG0 /sys/fsl_otp/HW_OCOTP_CFG1 The board model is in:...
Hi, i'dont understand your question as Linux is not a development environment, it's the operating system on witch you can run softwares created...
I use i2c to link a rpi zero (3.3v) to an Arduino and there's no need for a pullup resistor as long as the rpi is used as the master in the i2c...
You can use I2C with the Neo as master and the Arduino as slave. No problem with voltage.
Hi, you must isolate motor power from UDOO power so a driver is mandatory. You can use 4 NPN MOSFETs, an ULN2003 (Darlington) or a driver board...
Merge done, i've updated my Android client, tomorrow i'll do the same for the java client ;)
Hi Flavio, you've done a great job but i can't merge your changes as there's to much conflicts and parts removed (eg: no more commands to get...
Latest changes on NeoJava tools include: - new Serial module using JSSC (SimpleSerial) - secure server with SSL (JSSE) - better LCD handling -...
Hi @freedomotic , glad you like and want to use my project :) I think i can add a new module to the library to let the choice for users. For now,...
Well done, feel free to submit push requests ;) Envoyé de mon Nexus 5X en utilisant Tapatalk
I don't own a quad but i think it should work, at least thé GPIO part Envoyé de mon Nexus 5X en utilisant Tapatalk
if you follow the dts and the formula in the doc MX6SX_PAD_QSPI1B_DQS__GPIO4_IO_28...
Separate names with a comma.