Surely!!! Thanks again for your feedback! Serial.print(sensorValue1); Serial.print(","); Serial.print(sensorValue2); Serial.print(",");...
thanks again for your feedback. This was exactly the solution and i have discovered it 3 hours ago. My worked code is the following: def...
and i have printed the params some of the results are field2=150%2C35%2C19&field3=0&field1=150%2C32%2C19&key=J***********...
surely, i declare sth wrong in the code, thats the reason i have wrong type results. sensorvalues are declared as integer values in my arduino...
no changing to integers does not help. i have tried it. there is not any problem when i check the values in the serial monitor
my main problem is that the sensors values printed in the /dev/ttyMCC port (seperated with commas) cannot be distinguished and be assigned to the...
sorry the previous uploaded code is for three sensor values, but my problem is the same
Please check the following code, because it produces "strange" feedback. I use 4 different sensors in udoo neo, which produces 5 outcomes and...
Has anyone tried to update 2 or more data fields in the Thingspeak channel?
i am unhappy to inform that finding the last compiled m4last.fw and delete it or change it, does not apply as a solution to debug the arduino side...
thanks for your answer by the way
i know that is what i am trying to achieve. i have an old notebook with ubuntu installation. If i cannot manage to solve it i will try to rewrite...
Please sb help. My udooneo has stuck after programming with the M4 (arduino), i must have sent too many data to the buffers. The problem is that i...
If UDOO Bricks work along a cascade configuration, so you can attach them all together without wasting space in a truly intuitive way, has anyone...
Separate names with a comma.