Brick I think. I'm going to chuck the towel in with temp sensing for now. I can't get a reliable reading (such is the nature of these beasts).
As a curiosity here (apart from complexity) why don't we have a bank of "crowbar" zenners on the GPIO? I've used this successfully in the past -...
Fab! Thanks for clearing that up (ARef is/was[?] a traditional usage for "analogue" reference (where there is a separate digital ground I believe).
Add a possible one - the decode on the barometer brick looks suspect (that, or mine is faulty!) The pressure reads consistently below the actual...
Regarding the accuracy I concur that the barometric sensor brick appears to be reading "low" too - not by much - a couple of degrees C and a few...
Excellent summary.
For now at least, I've given up on the Arduino emulation, and turned the M4 off altogether. Getting sensor data via Sys FS like this for the...
A long time ago I designed an incubation system for my chickens after the traditional "air" variety failed to work as well as they might have....
@ektor5 this is probably for you... I love the picture inside the box of the NEO (soooo useful) but there are a few pin allocations that I'm not...
NTP time is received as Lubuntoo starts up - provided it has a network connection.
Yeah that makes sense. (Shakes fist at Arduino designers). I'm going to need to jam something in that hole so I don't make that mistake!
Minor thing really but there are quite a number of small spelling errors in the docs. Also, things like the ADC aren't that well documented - I...
[Standing ovation] A bit of a fun thread... since I've been so serious of late. [IMG] While not perfect (what is?) I'm loving my Neo so I...
Separate names with a comma.