That's great, guess it's time for me to update the little fella. How did you learn about the RC2? I haven't received any email
Perfect, thanks!
I rewrote a lot of the library to make it less verbose. Now, controlling a pin is as easy as require("udooneo").GPIO(37).out().val(1); The link is...
Hope the title is clear enough, do I have to download and burn the new images from, or is the apt-get dist-upgrade...
Alright, thanks!
Thanks a lot for the mention, unfortunately my library also needs root privileges for changing values :(
This is an awesome answer. Do you care if I copy it to a Gist?
Awesome, thank you ! I will try to add support for the barometer and temperature bricks next.
Hi, I've been working on this for about 2 weeks and though it's not fully functional I think it's time to share it and maybe get some feedback and...
Here's the repository, nothing is tested for the moment (only locally), but it should work.
Thanks! I'm honoured :)
Here's something that may come in handy (part of a node library I'm working on) function pinToGpio(pinNumber) { if (16 > pinNumber ||...
I think the documentation is really poor in this area. The formula doesn't seem to make any sense. Here is some help, maybe: [IMG] You can use...
Separate names with a comma.