Hi, you can run an hardware accelerated application in the first hdmi screen ( opengl,opengles, video) and launch a video in the second screen...
Hi, Check your repository in /etc/apt/source.list. Maybe you don't have all the repository. Which is the result of: root@udoo#cat...
Hi, Which is your uboot version? Which is the result of this command? root@udoo# free Thank you!
Hi, Have you this freeze with ubuntu 11.10? Can you try it?
Hi, Which is the result of this command? root@debian#cat /proc/cmdline
Hi, You have to recompile kernel with fuse support for NTFS an then install with apt-get ntfs-3g. It's not difficult recompile kernel, try it!
Awensome! Great work! Thank you!
Hi, This uImage is ok? Are you sure that is not corrupted? Have you used windows or linux for create the sd card?
Hi Stl, The only way to check your sd card is to check it in an external pc because udoo don't use initramfs. If you create an initramfs with a...
Hi, I would to say build an app for android or ios to command remotely freedomotic.
Video package and gstreamer package are freescale and vivante customized. Customized filesystem are upgradable but you have to upgrade them only...
Hi, Can you post the result of this command? root@udoo# aplay -l
Hi, There is not adobe FLASH plugin for ARM.
Re: can not login Debian usb-serial Hi, Can you post the result of this command? root@debian# cat /etc/inittab
Hi, You have to launch the command I said before in a graphical terminal inside desktop. If you launch in a remote shell it will give an error...
Separate names with a comma.