I don't know why. I connected 160 pixels and the last 40 pixels flicker horribly with both the libraries (adafruit, fastled) If you compile it...
Hello, I am using the SAM to power ws2811 pixels. If I use the neopixel library or the fastled library and compile it on the UDOO (both are...
The adafruit neopixel library doesnt work. Seems it has some timing issues. The FastLED library works. More specifically the 2,.1 branch of the...
Yup I am powering them up externally and the connecting the data line to the PWM pin off the UDOO and also connecting the ground (very imp.) You...
But I am using arduino or the SAM to run the arduino code to drive the pixels. Thats the whole point and the power of UDOO if I am not mistaken
Hello I am trying to control some ws2811 pixels using the adafruit neopixel library. When I use an arduino uno they work fine but when I...
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