Hi, I have the similar problem with identification of monitor and setting proper resolution. My monitor is Asus MW-201U with HDMI - DVI cable...
Try to install openmediavault-omvpluginsorg package (apt-get install openmediavault-omvpluginsorg). For me it's works.
When I checked "/var/log/apache2/error.log" i got the error "php-fcgi: 26: .: Can't open /etc/default/locale" only. Regards
Yes. Try dpkg-reconfigure locales maybe and watch file: /var/log/apache2/error.log (tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log) when you try to open OMV....
firehopper, try this: sudo -i cd /usr/include/ ln -s libdrm drm Compiler searches for sources in the /usr/include/drm but libdrm-dev package...
Hi. I added one file /etc/default/locale ("touch locale) and everything is ok. Regards
Hi I tried to install OMV in accordance with the instructions for RPI (thanks udoo_juergens). The same problem and got an "500 internal server...
Hi I would like to prepare my own version of the system (Debian) and install OMV. Mikelangeloz, can you (or someone) post tips on how to do it on...
Separate names with a comma.