Thanks again, but not what I was looking for, I'm fine with reviewing the source, but in my opinion, if we have to review the source to figure out...
Thanks for taking the time to reply, but it didn't answer my question, I was wanting to know how uEnv.txt worked, it appears to have some...
So I'm trying to get CAN going on UDOO NEO - and yes, I'm aware of the posts about it and I'm working on following those, but I'm stuck trying to...
I've tried these, but it doesn't work for me. Seems to be not using the correct .dtb file on boot. My board uses this one: reading...
Trying to figure out how to use i2c4 from the M4 arduino. I get the hint from reading I need to disable it in the dts file, but I've seen links to...
Separate names with a comma.