Hi all, I'm trying to build the ronga-image-qt5 but I received the following message after running "bitbake ronga-image-qt5": ERROR: Required...
Hi guys, I'm trying to add gstreamer support for Qt5 using linaro toolchain and udoobuntu12.04. If I don't use qtmultimedia all works fine. If I...
Hi Delba, any news about 7" touch on Debian ?
Hi guys, I was able to cross compile Qt5 for udoobuntu12.04 v2.1 like the one suggested by your tutorial. I try to run some qml programs but the...
Hi guys, very interesting this solution. I've test it with debian image and it works, but it doesn't work with udoobuntu 12.04. I've always the...
Hi guys, I'm trying to load udoobuntu 12.04 version 2.1 with NFS support through nfs. I've configured correctly nfs server. I can confirm it...
I've test it again and now works but if and only if I do not install U-Boot. Now I'm test it again with U-Boot on a new SDCard and I'm informing...
Hi all, I followed the procedure linked by mikelangeloz, but something strange happens when I'm trying to boot from SDCard. The following lines...
Thanks mikelangeloz! I'll try ASAP and come back to you if some issues appear!
Hi guys, I'm trying to create an .img file that contains udoo release. I've followed the tutorial to cross compile qt5 for ARM achitecture and...
Sorry Andrea, I've used the wrong UDOO's distro! Using the tutorial's version it works correctly but I've some problem with Qt window and...
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