I wonder if anyone from UDOO has considered making Adafruit in the USA a vendor of the product. They do a great job not only advertising but also...
I would really like to see more step-by-step tutorials. I am a new to using Linux and Python but am really interested in learning how to use both...
Is it possible to have a LAMP stack pre-installed?
I am new to UDOO and Linux in general, I do have experience with Arduino though. Being very new to all of this is makes using the UDOO very...
I am interested in setting up a project where a motion sensor is tripped and an email is sent to my GMAIL account. I am new to Linux so I am not...
Is it psossible for you to provide a link to the nuncompressed image file? I am having issues using the XZ utiltiy.
Is it possible for someone to provide a link to the image file rather than the xz compressed file? I am having issues with running xz on my...
Thank you very much for that information. That helps answer some of my major questions.
Hello, I would like to attempt a project with my UDOO quad but have limited experience with both UDOO and Linux in general. My idea is to connect...
I have not personally tried this but it should be possible. I know that you can connect an LVDS touchscreen and still output video through the...
Hello, I am new to the Udoo and programming in general. I have been watching the tutorials on Android and Arduino communication and it looks like...
Separate names with a comma.