Hi, I want to use pwm1~6 in linux so disabled M4. I relocation external pinout in device tree editor and I control pwmchip0 (pwm1 = pin43) and...
i read many script but some script says pwm allocate 2 linux and 4 arduino so i switch off arduino. but device tree not appear more pwm, so i add...
and enable arduino but i did not find /dev/ttyMCC
thank you but i want use Linux terminal and use more pwm I do your advice in switch off Arduino and i enter...
i did sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade but i can't find ttyMCC and one more i want PWM1~6 but i did cd /sys/class/pwm and ls i...
thank you for response. and you are so kind~!!
yes I read manual but i want know about pin control in linux terminal
i want working pwm but i don't find pwmchip0 (/sys/class/pwm/nothing) please help me
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