I've been working on getting OpenElec compiled for the Udoo. I finally got it to successfully boot on Saturday (16 Aug 2014). I hope to be able to get some stuff posted to Github soon so others can test/contribute.
@notxarb That's a real good news ! What's your impressions so far ? If you need help, don't hesitate to ask here, can't wait to try it
I have pushed code up to github, you can find my fork of openelec at https://github.com/notxarb/OpenELEC.tv on the udoo branch. I also forked a copy of the linux kernel, it can be found at https://github.com/notxarb/linux-imx on the imx_3.10.17_1.0.1_ga_udoo branch. I'll try to get my compiled image uploaded somewhere tonight. I tested some 1080p videos, they seem to be working fine. I also have some 1080i videos, some of those are fine, others the video goes slow and the audio/video get out of sync.
Great ! I'm now following you on github. I'll see if I can help. If you need somewhere to host your file, I have a dedicated server with plenty of bandwith Thank you for your work
I've uploaded my latest build. You should be able to download it here: http://udoo-openelec.gopagoda.io/files/ ... dc0.tar.gz
You did a a really good job, it works without a hitch. I saw a 1080p mkv from my nas without any problem. The only "bug" I saw it's freezing when I press to button to shutdown but it's maybe caused by yatse (remote control for android), I'll try with a mouse or I'll buy an ir device. Thank you notxarb
This is amazing! I can finally replace my media center with udoo/openelec, but I'm not seeing anything in the openelec add-on repos, any way I can get transmission or rtorrent working on this build?
I'm sorry i just don't get it how i can install it ? I ran your script that worked fine. In the SD card i got a small partition with kernels files and one other patition called storage which is empty. However i don't see the open elec files in the precompiled image you uploaded. Maybe can you explain me in a few line who i can build a proper OpenElec sd card? Thanks !
This is what I did : 1. Format the uSDcard 2. Check which device is used by my uSDcard with "dmesg | tail" 3. Then simply "sudo ./create_sdcard /dev/XXX" where X is the device (like /dev/mmcblk0) not the partition (/dev/mmcblk0p1). 4. done
Very strange, i can't boot at all. The SD card look good the writing process worked well. Maybe minimal requirement for the SD card ? i'm on a class 6. I don't have attached a keyboard, may it needed ?
perhaps it's an old u-boot... try this before using the create_sd script : sudo sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdf bs=1M count=30 /dev/sdf is my sdcard replace with yours.
Hmm.. anyone else run into this problem?: # OpenELEC.tv missing tool - Installation will quit # We can't find the required tool "parted" on your system. # Please install it via your package manager. #
salouma - Can you try booting with the USB console cable plugged in? I had an issue with it detecting my display and its settings. I had to play with my boot script before it would work. For instructions check out this page: http://www.udoo.org/ProjectsAndTutorial ... ial-cable/ It shouldn't need a keyboard. I've booted mine without a keyboard. This image is for the quad.
Just OSX and a terminal window. No problems making the previous XBMC image. (Trying to boot on the Quad)