Hi . My target is to develop application for UDOO using udooUbuntu Into my new UDOO board I have installed the official OS , udooUbuntu (microSD) What I want to do is something like window application such as windows applications.In windows I have Visual Studio , Netbeans ect to develop . In UDOO I saw there are two development enviroments : Bluefish and Codeblocks . But if I want to create some windows application how to procede ? I have to work with Bluefish using java ? In codeblocks how ? Does the udooUbuntu include into the distro also the libreries for those scopes ? The terminal is ok for an expert user but in home automation for example the users want to launch application by a button .... I don't want at the moment to use Android to have a friendly interface . Where to find documentation ? Ubuntu official documetnation is correct or UDOO has some limites ? Thanks for answers .... WP
This is a question that covers a very broad spectrum. You are looking at a fairly normal Ubuntu, apart from it being compiled for an ARM cpu and having several Udoo-related programs pre-installed. So you can use any guide on programming GUI software on Linux. It also heavily depends on the language you are coding in. Java, Python, C and almost any language offer their own variety of GUI libraries, most of them easily accessible in Ubuntu via apt-get. So you will have to do some more research on GUI programming in general, I think.
Thanks for your answer , Indiana . Well , I'm researching about ubuntu programming language and/or tools. Looking at youtube and google research I found several discussion and tutorial. I saw in udoobunt there are Codeblocks ,python , bluefish . At the moment I would like to understand what to do if I use Codeblocks , for example vxWidget to create a GUI application. I'm not interesting to use udoo for graphical 2D or 3D gaming or application .My target is to learn linux/ubuntu , terminal powerfull functions and to create an environment where to communicate over the serial port to<--->from Arduino Due and to write a library for that ...why not ..... Try to image ,I'd like to use udoo as a special HMI panel which handles several functions : server,database , xml , windows and more with the external world and the serial port to communicate with arduino to acquire or to write data , for examples to read temperature or push button or switches or to command some relays ect ...... I have been working in industrial automation for 15 years , but I program PLC (siemens , wago , rockwell ) and HMI panel or Pc uder windows using visual studio or netbeans-java . What I'm gonna do is to create an udoo system to use in home automation , so because I nedd the serial port . But anyway as you told me up , I know I have to learn more about linux / ubuntu
Hi xwalter, hope my post isn't considered as spam. We are working on a domotic framework in java and now we are developing a web interface for better performances on embedded systems. If you want take a look at freedomotic-udoo-t345.html About serial communication (in java) we are trying JSSC (https://github.com/freedomotic/freedomo ... ts-Service) instead of rxtx. Soon I'll try it on Udoo. Thanks and sorry for disturb
I like your project I have senn about it but for a few time I will take more informations about it ASAP Pratically your hmi panel based on udoo is what I would like to create . Are you using udooubuntu as OS for the panel? Thanks for the informations and dont' worry , isnt'a disturb for me Ciao Walter
In your project you're using this code to create a serial object SerialHelper usb = new SerialHelper("/dev/ttyUSB0", 19200, 8, 1, 0, new SerialPortListener() ...... I think if we change /dev/ttyUSB0 with / dev/ttymxc3 we can use serial port in udoo to communicat with Arduino due via java code :? Do you know if there is a method to set ubuntu environment in java , I mean instead to set the baudrate for example using the terminal , make this job by sending a string in java ..... ?
Hi, in our plugin all parameters are included into a configuration file. So you can modify it with a text editor. I'm rewriting my arduino plugin to use jssc and test it on embedded board. Take a look at this code https://github.com/mcicolella/freedomot ... arduinousb In particular https://github.com/mcicolella/freedomot ... nifest.xml You can change all parameters without recompiling the code. If you want we can work together for testing. Bye
credo si possa scrivere anche in italiano , viste le generalità di entrambe . Ti ringrazio per l'offerta , di lavorare insieme. E' sicuramente una cosa che faro' , ma non ora . Sto lavorando e sto frequentando l'università e lunedi ho anche un esame Nel frattempo nei ritagli di tempo sto visitando il tuo sito con grande interesse , anche se con la UDOO dovrei inizare a capirci da settimana prox. Per quanto riguarda java e la programmazione ad oggetti me la cavicchio , conoscevo meglio c# ma quest'anno ho fatto java all'uni. Se nel tuo software open source stai implementando dei design patterns , ti avviso che faccio fatica a visualizzarli Vorrei chiederti una cosa riguardo udoo e la sua programmazione , in quanto nonostante il poco tempo faccio fatica a decollare , purtroppo la documentazione non mi soddisfa per quanto voglio chiederti ; sulla micro sd della scheda ci sono installati codeblocks e python .Per quanto riguarda java non sono sicuro ma credo non sia installato , al limite appena apprendo i comandi da terminali per capirlo lo faro' Nel caso non sia installato cosa mi consigli di scaricare ed installare ....javaSE oppure javaEE ? Poi invece come ambiente di sviluppo per java cosa ne dici di Netbeans , e' troppo pesante per la UDOO ? Netbeans lo uso sotto windows 7 con 8 giga di ram ma la udoo seppur un mini pc potente non saprei , non ne conosco ancora le caratteristiche Cmq se gira python con l'interprete e tutto il resto credo che anche java possa girare bene , pero ' non saprei cosa installare Se mi dai queste info , in modo tale che posso progredire io mi porto avanti , diversamente non saprei come aiutarti ciao e grazie Walter
using Netbeans on udoo it's possible , and also to install the rxtx library Netbeans compiles without any problems But when I start the application some errors occurs .The problem is that the ARM processor doesn't like that library . In ubuntu on a desktop x86_64 or i86 there are not any issues. Otherwise there several GUI applications as Arduino IDE for examples that uses the serial port and give buttons , windows and else . The uddo is a mini pc with ubuntu installed but a different processor .This is because several library in java o other languages don't work .I wati from udoo team some suggestion o some library to use this processor on them udoo OS