Hello, I have a really stupid Question : How can I flash the Arduino Due while Running under the Arm6 Linux and Programming with the Arduino Sketch ? So an example : 0. I start my Udoo with Linux and open the Ardunio Sketch. 1. I have set the in setup the Pin 10 as Output and in loop I set him High. 2. I Upload the Sketch. 3. --> LED at pin 10 Shining 4. I close the Sketch and open a new Sketch 5. I have set the in setup the Pin 5 as Output and in loop I set him High. 6. --> Led at pin 10 !!!! is Shining and at pin 5 Shinning What I would like is : ONLY Led on pin 5 is Shinning. A second Question : Have anyone try to install and use CodeBlocks Arduino IDE ? How you get It to work on the Udoo ? Have a nice day.
One week later and .... Realy can nobody help me or maybe only tell me that this ist normal ? Oh please answer me.
Hi, for your question about the shining of your LED. Normally, when you upload a new sketch in the atmel cortex the rom (flash) is erase and the new program is upload -> it is not a good work that you have, just the pin 5 must on but i don't know your problem (i think a problem when the flash is erase on the cortex ?). Try to let a message on arduino due forum. Otherwise, i don't know CodeBlocks Arduino IDE, but perhaps you can download the source code and compile it on your card.