I looked at some past posts in which someone requested a "Headless" version of UDOO linux: 1) how-avoid-start-system-t1946.html 2) getting-rid-desktop-enviroinment-t501.html I tried the suggestion to disable VNC in post #1 but I could not get it to work. Other posts suggest that disabling all of the X programs is actually rather difficult with the UDOO Ubuntu Linux Distribution. Post #2 suggests that the requester build their own Linux. I think that isn't an option for most users. The entire reason for using open-source software is so that a large number of people use the same software and therefore have an interest in improving it. Making my own Linux O/S would not do that. There is a Debian Linux version of Wheezy that is available in the download section, but it is not clear if it has VNC, X-windows and a host of other GUI software enabled at startup. If the Debian UDOO Linux distribution is NOT a "headless" version of Linux then I would like to request that the UDOO organization provide a Server version of Linux and make it part of the official UDOO Linux release. Several other ARM Linux Computer manufacturers, such as Hardkernel / ODROID offer both types of of Ubuntu: Head (VNC & X-Windows) and Headless (CLI only). Blort
Hi Blort, Did you tried one of the minimal file system available in Download -> Binaries section: http://www.udoo.org/downloads/#tab2 For example the File System Minimal Wheezy is a very tiny system without GUI. Could be what you need? Try to follow this guide to create a bootable microSD starting from binaries: http://www.elinux.org/UDOO_creating_a_bootable_Micro_SD_card_from_precompiled_binaries