Hello, i managed to work my egalax touch screen, but i have a problem with calibration, is up side down/ swap y. Who knows how to calibrate the touchscreen or only swap y? The calibration app. is not recognized my touchscreen. Thank you.
Nobody? Is this so hard for you guys? Is not any application or command for calibration? My touchscreen working but i can't use
Hi, Are you talking about UDOObuntu or Android? in UDOObuntu could you try with the application TopLeft Menu -> System Tools -> Calibrate Touchscreen or with command "xinput_calibrator" if the app not recognize the touch screen you could try to edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-calibration.conf and insert your own touch with Code: Option "SwapAxis" "0" Option "InvertY" "1" Option "InvertX" "0"
i'm under udoobuntu with egalax touch controller and it work like a charm since the beginning ! But it don't work on android ...
oh sorry my mistake, i haven't noticed the section. In Android you should change the values in the file: /sys/module/usbtouchscreen/parameters/calibration this is the same file that is modified by the TSCalibration App for the official usb 3M touchscreen of the LCD 15" kit. You can find the calculations that the app does in the Android source package: http://www.udoo.org/downloads/#tab3 in the file: packages/apps/TSCalibration/src/com/udoo/touchscreencalibration/TouchScreenCalibration.java
Hi ekirei, thank you, i will try. How can i edit the file and save? connected with adb and edit with echo command? Thanks
Thanks but wich pins? The pins before the driver? I was tinking to do that but i will need to calibrate anyway, the margins are 1 cm inside.
unfortunatelly I don't have this controller now. On one of its side should be 4pin pld connector (betwen touch panel and controller) and you can experiment to find which combination is suitable for you.
Sorry but i don't understud how to calculate parameters. Somebody with 7 inch touch , can send me the file /sys/module/usbtouchscreen/parameters/calibration to have a start point. Thanks.