Hello, Can someone help me? I couldn't produce PWM signal at SAM3x. I want to enter pwm parametre and SAM3x produce PWM. And also at terminal I wrote: stty -F /dev/ttymxc3 cs8 115200 // to configuration echo message> /dev/ttymxc3 // to send message and i want to send pwm parametre cat /dev/ttymxc3 // to read message but i can't take any message Thanks.
Hi you need to write a Arduino code that reads integer or simply a byte (values from 0 to 255) and then set this value with analogWrite function> void setup(){ pinMode(9, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(115200); } void loop(){ int readedByte = 0; if(Serial.available()){ readedByte = Serial.read(); analogWrite(9, readedByte); } delay(20); }
Hi, If I use the command analog write to produce the PWM waves, the maximum duty cycle achievable was around 1200 microseconds......... but for my application i need to produce a maximum of 2200 microsesconds....... Is there any other way to produce PWM signal ?