Hi, I am trying build the AOSP version provided with Udoo with the OpenCv Manager installed directly in it. The steps I had followed: 1- Add the OpenCV_2.4.8_Manager_2.16_armv7a-neon.apk under the folder: AOSP_SOURCE_FOLDER/packages/apps/OpenCV_Manager/ 2- Add the Android.mk file to this folder, with the settings: Code: LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional LOCAL_MODULE := OpenCvManager LOCAL_SRC_FILES := OpenCV_2.4.8_Manager_2.16_armv7a-neon.apk LOCAL_MODULE_SUFFIX := .apk LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS := APPS LOCAL_CERTIFICATE := PRESIGNED LOCAL_MODULE_PATH := $(TARGET_OUT)/app include $(BUILD_PREBUILT) 3- Modify the file udoo.mk to add this apk to the Products_packages, the result is: Code: PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \ rfkill \ iwconfig \ iwlist \ setotg \ ESFileExplorer \ [b] OpenCvManager \ [/b] lsusb I know this steps are partially good because they work and the .apk is added to the build. The problem comes when I start the app and I receive the following error: Although the error message says that, I know the package is the correct because this doesn't happen when I had installed the app manually. It must be some problem of the installation during the build, maybe some other var that need to be defined in the Android.mk file? I am not sure, I am familiar with the Udoo kernel, but not with this part of the build process. Any help is welcome, Spaniard P.S: Useful links for people willing to help me: http://docs.opencv.org/platforms/android/service/doc/index.html http://docs.opencv.org/platforms/an...o-select-the-proper-version-of-opencv-manager
The best way to copy a prebuilt APK is to use this code in .mk file: Code: # OpenCV file PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += \ path/to/OpenCV_2.4.8_Manager_2.16_armv7a-neon.apk:system/app/OpenCV.apk but, you also need to modify a little part of AOSP code in build directory, here the commit needed https://github.com/rascarlo/android_bui ... 15d66c1b1c