Udoobuntu VNC server keyboard broken

Discussion in 'Linux Ubuntu' started by GeekChannel, May 13, 2015.

  1. GeekChannel

    GeekChannel New Member

    Nov 21, 2013
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    I installed the default udoobuntu release available on the download site. UDOObuntu_quad_v1.1 which is the right version for my quad hardware.

    I ran the vncclient from my windows machine and attach fine to $IP_NUM:5901 and use the password that I set with the UDOO Configuration tool from the local display.

    I can navigate the desktop of the udoo remotely from my pc, and all mouse navigation works well.
    I open a terminal on the remote UDOO via this vnc session and cannot enter any keys into that remote terminal.

    There are so many broken forum links and outdated vnc links that I gave up searching the udoo forum database out of frustration.
    If there is a past article that does address this default broken behavior, please let me know where it is.
    After posting I see that vncserver suffers from stuck modifier keys. A bug dating back to 2004. https://www.realvnc.com/pipermail/vnc-list/2004-August/046702.html
    I tried the idea of opening a new terminal and pressing all the modifier keys one by one, {alt, cntrl, windows, shift} and this seemed to clear the problem.

    I restarted a new session to see if the problem reoccurred and it did not.

    Perhaps that lesson can help somebody else.
    Last edited: May 13, 2015
  2. Andrea Rovai

    Andrea Rovai Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2014
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    Hi GeekChannel, thanks for pointing it out. Your contribution is surely helpful.
  3. mikelangeloz

    mikelangeloz Member

    Jul 9, 2013
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    Thanks for reporting that, we've never experienced such issue, so is important to know. We are planning to change VNC server, to X native one. There are some bugs with current setup... Stay tuned..

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