Has anyone tried this? When i try to upload GRBL (https://github.com/synthetos/g2) onto the arduino, the upload is successful bu then Udoo reboots! Any idea as to why this may be happening? I like the UDOO form factor and it would make a perfect CNC controller. Any help would be appreciated. Shapeoko 2 (https://www.inventables.com/technologie ... shapeoko-2)
I am trying something similar with a UDOO dual, Chilipeppr and serial-port-json-server. Chilipeppr is a web application for 3D graphic representation and control of a CNC machine, it uses WebGL so the new UDOObuntu v2 should work well with it. Serial-port-json-server doesn't recognize the UDOO port for the Arduino out of the box but it can open /dev/ttymxc3 and communicate with it. IWhen I open /dev/ttymxc3 115200, I get the following: open /dev/ttymxc3 115200 {"Cmd":"Open","Desc":"Got register/open on port.","Port":"/dev/ttymxc3","IsPrimary":true,"Baud":115200,"BufferType":""} list { "SerialPorts": [ { "Name": "/dev/ttymxc3", "Friendly": "/dev/ttymxc3", "SerialNumber": "", "DeviceClass": "", "IsOpen": true, "IsPrimary": true, "RelatedNames": null, "Baud": 115200, "BufferAlgorithm": "", "AvailableBufferAlgorithms": [ "default", "tinyg", "tinygg2", "grbl", "marlin" ], "Ver": 1.83, "UsbVid": "", "UsbPid": "" }
what I know is that after you had dowload the firmware into arduino due , you have to rebbot the udoo to get the serial port and put the jumper in its properly position