I had to reinstall UDOObuntu Neo Basicks because of some problems. The steps I did to reinstall UDOObuntu: 1) sudo diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2 2) sudo diskutil zerodisk /dev/disk2 3) sudo dd bs=1m if=/Users/erje/Downloads/UDOObuntu_neo_basicks_v2.0beta3.img of=/dev/disk2 4) sudo diskutil eject /dev/disk2 But my Udoo Neo won't boot. When powered on the Green en middle Red led are on. The the outer Red led flashes twice and the middle Red led goes off. Only the Green led stays on. I can't login with the VNC viewer or ping the device. What could be wrong?
Before I tried the steps in my first post, I have tried twice the regular tutorial. But also without success.