Will Android Image ever be released for Udoo NEO, the date getting pushed. From DEC2015 it went to JAN 2016 and now we are in FEB 2016, the date still shows Jan 2016 but no sign of download link or any update.
Dear SSPadda, yes it will. We are really close to the release of an alpha image. I know this sounds untrue because it's not the first time I say it, but we are close.
I'm very curious about this release as well and am wondering if the source code will be available? Is there a repository for this code that will be available to fork from?
If your willing to acceptance 'a challenge', know what your doing and have the patience (for a large download + compilation). Then you can start building a custom image yourself see here .
There's an alpha level release from UDOO for the Neo in the Android section of the forums. If you are going to start from somewhere, might as well start from what they have.