I would like to create support for the UDOO arduino part to Arch Linux. It has a support for the Arduino IDE 1.5.8 in the arduino-beta package. The support would be an addon to this similar to how it is done for Pinoccio in the arduino-pinoccio package. Or if this is not possible as a patch for the Arduino IDE. The problem is that I can't just override bossac without making sure what is changed and that the other controllers that require bossac are still working. This leads me to the following questions. Is the source code of the changes somewhere available? What exactly is changed in the udoo version of bossac? Can these changes be made upstream in Arduino IDE? Regards Pascal
in order , you have to do the following steps : 1) download bossac from udoo , this site 2) unzip the file and you will have two files , bossac.exe and cygwin1.dll 3) to copy the two files and paste into C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\hardware , for example ..... bossac.exe is an application which allow to upload sketches, more or less 4) download the USB driver for udoo usb 5) connect your arduino IDE , I use Atmel studio (or Visual Studio) + visual Micro (free) is ardino for atmel studio and/or visual studio 6) connect your udoo board and the cable into a usb socket , then install the driver 7) program and upload your sketchesof arduino due into udoo by passing over the left usb port and unplug the bridge , you can see the tutorial for these operations 8) restart udoo In this way you can progam and upload programs for arduino due by using an external IDE without to use the arduino ide preinstalled in udoobuntu ciao e stammi bene
Hi Thanks, But that doesn't really answer my question. I know how to get it running but I would like to know what is different and if it will be working with a normal Arduino due as-well.
9) Connect an arduino board to your desktop , windows or linux or else 10) Select your port and your arduino board 11) Press upload push button It will upload the sketches into a "normal" arduino instead of Arduino due inside udoo The bossac.exe you have to update is an extension to allow arduino due in udoo to be programmed Other arduino's are normally programmed ALSO with new bossac Now it's clear or not ? :mrgreen:
A standalone Arduino Due uses an ATmega 16U2 supervisor CPU both for USB-serial conversion of the programming port, and also to trigger a reset and flash erase of the main SAM3X CPU when the programming port is opened and closed at 1200bps. The Udoo instead connects its SAM3X Reset and Erase pins directly to two GPIO outputs of the i.MX6 CPU, so Bossac had to be modified to toggle these pins as part of the programming procedure. You can see the particular GPIO's involved by either tracing the board schematic, or running 'strings' against the customized Bossac: Code: $ strings /opt/arduino-1.5.4/hardware/tools/bossac|grep gpio echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/direction echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/value echo in > /sys/class/gpio/gpio117/direction echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio0/direction echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio0/value echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio0/value
You'll never get a fix... UDOO is dead. After 1 year there are still the same bugs. Also with bossac file.
the bossac file has to be overwrite by the bossac provided for udoo .Then you have to create a new downloader ( I use Atmel Studio + Visual Micro ) and select the jumper switch in th eproperly position