Hello UDOO community! I have a NEO full with the latest version of udoobuntu and the screen mentioned in the title. After following the instructions I got it to work and to show me the desktop of udoobuntu but the touchscreen doesn't seem to work, I can only interact with the OS by pluging a mouse. Is that normal and I should do extra things in order for the touch to work or there is something messed up? also if I used Android instead of UDOOBUNTU what would be the outcome in this matter?
Hi Tengoles, it should work on UDOObuntu. Does it work on Android? I'm asking since the problem could regard the screen if it persists on Android.
So, didn't try Andoid but found out that the touch screen was actually working on UDOOBUNTU, it just happened that the way I was holding it was messing the touch screen for some reason