I am having trouble making my fingerprint sensor to work with the A9 without using the M4. I WILL REALLY appreciate a step by step guide to make it work. i have used numerous details online for the raspberry pi but it doesnt work for my udoo neo. below is the link to the sensor : https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Fre.../1628586365.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.0.nEpJ0X
There is a problem with UART6 and it needs a kernel patch to solve it. http://www.udoo.org/forum/index.php?posts/15912 To recompile the kernel I will update this post with instructions Edit: added [quote name="Maurice"]<br />I'm a newbee to recompilation of Linux kernels too, here is the documentation of UDOO, and in this thread you can read how to solve some issues encountered.[/QUOTE]