Hi, I'm recently bought Udoo Neo. And I have following doubt. 1. How to control and access gpio pins from android app. For Example i want to blink a led from android. Is there any library and source code available. Please send me.
There is a beta version where this should be possible. Please read through completly the following topic. But it is all beta (someone please correct me if I am wrong) https://www.udoo.org/forum/threads/programming-arduino-sketch-android-app.5026/ Furthermore as video output of the Neo is limited do not expect a lot of the performance of android UI when you plan to do animations or that kind of stuff. Keep it simple!
The simplest way from Andriod is to export the gpio (same for linux) see this link and as along your application has permissions to the file device it can do the same thing. This article can also provide some guidance.
Hi Guys, I'm used https://gist.github.com/rosterloh/c4bd02bed8c5e7bd47c5 this class for control gpio pin from android app. This class looks like a good. but however i run this class from android app not getting a result.
Is there any source code available for control the gpio pin from either android app or android terminal.
I have seen the following repository on the Udooboard GitHub but I do not know how mature this is. It has not been published officially. @Laura ? https://github.com/UDOOboard/UDOOAndroidSerial
That class should work, however before that you need to export the gpio pin as device as per this link from a root shell in android. If /sys/class/gpio isn't present then the kernel isn't configured for gipo support. You may need to set the permission on /sys/class/gpio see Harsha Herur post in this thread.
Hi, this library is quite mature. The Library works good writing and reading json messages through the serial port to and from the Arduino side running this sketch. The library and the sketch work in the same beheaviour as the famous library "Firmata": once you have uploaded the sketch on the Arduino side of the UDOO you don't need to think to the Arduino programming anymore, you can interact with the Arduino GPIO directly by Android programming. Inside the UDOOAndroidSerial library you can find a complete example App that let you see how to use the Arduino features (Digital/Analog Pins, Servo, Bricks etc). This Library is not fully documented yet but you can start using it and pointing out if there something doesn't work. What you need is program the Arduino side with the sketch linked before, from an external PC. You need to use the proper libraries for the UDOO NEO contained in the libraries folder of the repo. If instead you don't want to use the Arduino side you can follow the right inputs of @jas-mx