Here we demonstrate how the cortex M4 can be used to implement the Dallas one wire protocol to read two DS18B20 temperature sensors. The output is displayed to an LCD using custom ring meter gauges. As with previous posts this done using the FreeRTOS SDK. More info on the blog .
Nice work! Can you share the source code or the GitHub you have the code stored on? This is an open source community so this would be highly appreciated!
Unfortunately I can't always open source it, what ever can be open source or made public has been. Most of the Neo work I produce are mainly spins off from commercial work back ported to the Neo in my own time. Hence it can't be always be open sourced. What is not recognised is that it takes between 450-2000 man hours of development/debugging (that's on top of the commercial work) for a single piece of work in addition to having access to h/w debugging equipment ($$$). In reality this type of effort can't be done without some form of funding, especially for equipment and daily running cost hence it requires commercial sponsorship. As I have already stated in numerous post, you can easily download the FreeRTOS SDK and start learning to code.
I'm new to single board computers. How do you physically connect a DS18B20 temperature sensor to a Udoo Neo?
From hardware point of view it is simple. You have two options: Connect it to the Arduino side or to the Linux side. Basic scheme is as shown below. The difficult point is how to read the sensor through software. The Arduino onewire library that is required to read it is not supported. Or you have to implement the communication protocol yourself. So whats left is the Linux side. Linux also has a onewire (1-wire) possibility but I do not know if it is implemented in Udoobuntu. If not you have to add it.
Hello, I would like to know which side you used to do this, arduinno? Linux? I'm trying to do something similar could you help me?
Already commented on this, see third post. Nothing stopping anyone downloading the FreeRTOS SDK and starting to code.