I just did a reinstall of ubuntu minimal on my quad and my HDMI was working for many reboots and then at one point my HDMI is not showing a tty anymore. I never touched /etc/uEnv.txt. I tried adding video_output=hdmi but nothing happened. I can SSH and everything else. How do I continue troubleshooting this? It could not be because I did this by remote in order to get urxvt working with tmux could it, it is specific to my custom user directory: Code: $ ssh remotemachine mkdir -p .terminfo/r $ scp /usr/share/terminfo/r/rxvt-unicode* remotemachine:.terminfo/r/
Forgot to say that the UDOO logo appears only for maybe 1/10 of a second now and then nothing from then on. Before it would show for a few seconds.
I just made some good progress! I had taken my previous /etc from a micro sd that was flaky so I started looking for suspicious files with rsync. I installed it and ran something like: # rsync --dry-run --delete -ia -c /old/etc/ /etc/ I studied files looking mostly for "c" in the itemize telling me the checksums / hashes don't match. I found 2 suspect files: bsd-from and ld.so.cache. I did an apt-get remove purge bsdmainutils then apt-get install bsdmainutils man. Then I rm /etc/ld.so.cache then did just ldconfig to rebuild the system library cache (chances are video problem has to do with this cache file I think). Then I rebooted and saw the udoo logo for many seconds like before! But tty1 would not appear. I tried tty2 and it works (ctrl-alt-F2). All other tty that are not tty2 don't work. I didn't try the serial console yet. So how do I get all the other tty to appear?
Also tty1 has no blinking cursor but tty3 and greater has just the blinking cursor and no text. tty2 is the only normal one. Strange.
Well I see /etc/inittab is missing from the minimal distribution. I don't know if this is intentional or has something to do with upstart. Maybe it's a mistake by the maintainer? Will I remove any features if I use this inittab in post # 4? https://www.udoo.org/forum/threads/can-not-login-debian-usb-serial-solved.733/
Nope. Systemd, which is now in debian and ubuntu, ignores inittab. I also appears the serial console for the USB-OTG is not spawned: Code: $ ls -l /etc/systemd/system/ total 4 drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 May 4 2016 multi-user.target.wants lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 31 May 21 18:24 sshd.service -> /lib/systemd/system/ssh.service lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 May 21 18:24 syslog.service -> /lib/systemd/system/rsyslog.service Umm... bugs?
Udoobuntu minimal is the absolute minimal to get the Udoo running. So all extras have to be added manually and if this requires a recompile of the kernel you have to do it yourself. The Udoo team does not support (bug fixing) the minimal image. Perhaps a better option would be to use the normal Udoobuntu 2 image and switch off what you not need (graphical desktop mostly).
I wish you had told me this 3 months ago. I thought it was mainly a firewall problem. Of course Udoo serial quits early on the quad with minimal! It never spawns a getty!: https://www.udoo.org/forum/threads/usb-serial-quits-early-on-quad.6486/
I am sorry. I just looked at the documentation in the OS sections and it indeed doesn't state anywhere. On the Neo forum I remember these statements from the Udoo team. @Laura , perhaps an improvement suggestion to the documentation?
Excellent! I have decided to move to Udoobuntu desktop. I connected to the serial console for the first time ever. I guess I could have tried to add a getty line myself but I decided to be more cautious and change the sub-distro as you suggested.