Firstly, sorry my english, i'm student. I wanna install openVPN to use with my NEO, is there a way to do? Can i install OpenVPN?
I do not see why not. Do you have knowledge of openvpn or other VPN solutions? sudo apt-get install openvpn should do the trick. Please keep us posted on your progress or problems.
Are you referring to openvpn client or server? For client, I have to download from source and compile. ARM binary is not available for Ubuntu 14.04.
I need openvpn server to use with a smartphone android and my laptop with windows 10. OK! I'm reading some tutorials and i will post my progress
The same binary can be used as client or server and I have not tried setting up as a server on NEO. The same issue exists, the binary is not available for Official Ubuntu Arm 14.04. For my setup, I am using the cheapest compute instance in Google Cloud for my vpn server. Beside being used by my devices to talk to each other, I am using it when connecting to public/hotel wifi while travelling.
For example the following installation instruction for a raspberry pi does not indicate that you should build the software yourself. So there should be a ARM version of openvpn.