I have run into a brickwall trying to test my new oled lcd display using both the udoo neo full arduino . i will prefer a step by step guide on how to get it working on the arduino and also on the A9 without using the arduino.kindly note this screen works well with the raspberry pi zero. below is a link to the display: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/Fre...32658340632.html?spm=2114.13010608.0.0.nEpJ0X also here is a library used by Ada for both arduino and python https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_SSD1306 https://github.com/BLavery/lib_oled96
The libraries and your lcd is using SPI. The Neo Arduino SPI library is based on an old library that is not compatible with the one your lcd libraries are using. This is one of the known issues. Edit: add link to known Arduino issues topic: http://www.udoo.org/forum/index.php?threads/4513/
Thank you Waltervl,this issue got me all worked up for a week now. The udoo team did a good work on misleading the noobs on Microcontrollers on the doc page. Some of us are just hobbyists
Based on the pictures in the above link your OLED is the I2C version (4 pins) not SPI as indicated by waltervl. I have the same display and adopted some sample code to prove it works on the A9 however I would need to see if I still have the code still lying around. For the A9 side you can connect it to I2C2 or I2C4 pins and simply use i2cdetect to verify its presence as a first step. For ardunio side you would need to port the libraries across however in my opinion I wouldn't as the whole ardunio layer isn't in a good state due to the way its currently implemented.
Damn, I didn't look at the display itself, just at the libraries. Isn't there an Arduino I2C library for this display?
Th That was my fault, I made a mistake and linked the screen to SPI instead of I2C. Nevertheless, SPI is not well documented: - No mention of using old Arduino SPI library in Arduino Differences - No clear instruction how to activate SPI on Arduino Neo
Thanks jas-max for the pinout diagram. I have accidentally connected to the outer row of J6 and wondering why it was not working. Now it is working with SSD1306 library. I have tried J5 I2C2 but it didn't work. btw, what is pinout diagram of outer row of J4, J5, J6 & J7?
See the following page: https://www.udoo.org/docs-neo/Hardware_&_Accessories/GPIO.html Basic settings can be done with the device tree editor.