I post here some additional packages and a file patch I had to apply to compile Android 6.0.1 for the target Seco A62 Quad (a62_6dq-eng) on a Ubuntu 14.04.05 LTS 64bit Desktop PC. My bild was based on the sources provided by https://github.com/UDOOboard/android_udoo_platform_manifest -b android-6.0.1 On top of the steps described at the links: http://download.udoo.org/files/a62/Android/A62_instructions_Android_6.0.x_source.txt http://www.udoo.org/docs/Advanced_Topics/Compile_Android_From_Source.html I had to install the following additional packages on Ubuntu 14.04: libxml2-utils lib32stdc++6 liblz4-dev The file external/lz4/lib/Android.mk had to be modified, adding the following lines at the end (this was suggested by another post in the Udoo.org Android forums). include $(CLEAR_VARS) LOCAL_MODULE := liblz4-static LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(liblz4_src_files) LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional include $(BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY) After having completed those additional steps, I was able to complete the make process without errors, including some custom modifications of the 3.14 kernel code I wanted to apply.