Udoo x86 with Pixhawk 2.1

Discussion in 'UDOO X86' started by JamesM, Nov 6, 2017.

  1. JamesM

    JamesM New Member

    Nov 6, 2017
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    Hi Udoo Team,

    I would like to build a drone using the PixHawk 2.1 flight controller which has a version suitable for connection to companion boards such as the RPI, Odroid, etc. With the Udoo x86 being soo much more powerful than its competitors, I was hoping to use it instead for some "advanced" visioning system.

    As such are you aware of the Udoo x86 being compatible with the PixHawk 2.1 flight controller? If not, would there be any plans to make it compatible as the power capabilities of the Udoo x86 make it a prime candidate for drone visioning system :)

    Your help would be much appreciated.

  2. ccs_hello

    ccs_hello UDOOer

    Apr 15, 2017
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    PixHawk 2 "Cube" has a carrier board option, which can add an Intel Edison (low power, light weight, and ultra compact X86 processing module.) Can latter satisfy your need?
    If you use a UDOO x86 instead, the copter will have to large (or huge)....
    JamesM likes this.
  3. JamesM

    JamesM New Member

    Nov 6, 2017
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    Hey CCS,

    Thanks for the reply. As i am still VERY much so in the planning phase of the project, I am not locked into any particular board yet. I wanted to try my luck with the Udoo x86 as I have the ultra version and would love to take advantage of the power it has. So far I have not found a practical use for my Udoo x86 as all my projects so far have not been processor hungry and using the Udoo would be overkill. For something like a drone however, I thought it would be perfect?
    If size is the ONLY factor to consider when using the Udoo x86 then that would be fantastic as i would just upscale the drone to a behemoth :p

    Your suggestion of using the x86 module is somewhat confusing for me sorry. Could you please elaborate or point me in the direction to some literature? Do you mean use an Intel Edison with an additional module? or just any SBC with a x86 architecture? At the moment the strongest contender seems to be an Odroid UX4 as its CPU and GPU should handle it, but the Udoo x86 would be like supercharging the design so would love to take advantage of it should it be possible.

  4. ccs_hello

    ccs_hello UDOOer

    Apr 15, 2017
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