Hello everyone, My name is Michael, I got the UDOO Neo way back when via Kickstarter and am now finally in a position where I have time and spending capacity for a hobby! (i.e. I graduated university and am now a real human bean). Total amateur on the tech front though so this project is more about the journey than the end result, heck I'd be happy if I can get it to go forwards and backwards only. From hardware, programming and software, plus everything in between... I derp. I have no profound knowledge in hardware (but have recently constructed my own desktop PC via monkey read forum, monkey spend money and wait for parts delivery, monkey plonk along and try-do... and it works!) I am aware of the existence of python and scratch as programming languages, willing to learn what is required/applicable (obviously)... probably not smart enough for the other languages though haha. This idea started out because I got the Neurosky mindwave headset and thought it would be neat to try and create one of my own then use it to control a rudimentary UDOO Neo RC car. However, I am awash in a sea of resources and have no idea where to start or if someone has already done this before and I can just follow along... Any recommendations? Thank you for taking the time to read my post!
You can take a look into https://www.hackster.io/smerkousdavid/udoo-rc-car-62b45e Also you could take a look to the beginners tutorials in my signature.
Thanks waltervl! I've been slowly getting through those, I feel a bit out of my depth here but, life. I'll keep at it and post things up if I get anywhere tangible!