I am trying to get my UDOO Quad working so I have installed the Ubuntu image onto a Micro SD. I then connected the device to a HDMI screen but nothing happens, all I have is the green light on the UDOO and a blank screen (this seems to be a problem for many other users). Therefore, I decided to debug and connect via a terminal. However, in Mac OS X Mavericks there is no "SLEB_USBtoUART" device and therefore no way to start a terminal session to the UDOO. So, how does one connect to the UDOO Quad in Mac OS X Mavericks???
Well, I found the solution for this. You need to install the Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers for Mac OS X and you can find it here: http://www.silabs.com/products/mcu/Page ... ivers.aspx. The will give you serial port access to the UDOO. However, I still could not see anything over the terminal connection so I still have no idea if the UDOO is working...
I've got Mavericks and i'm using SerialTools to see the serial debug on my Mac as explained in this tutorial: http://www.udoo.org/ProjectsAndTutorials/connecting-via-serial-cable/?portfolioID=1394 No problem experienced.
I confirm you have to install the drivers, before. After that the console works. As for the booting, I had the same problem but eventually reformatting and copying again (dd) the os on the µSD solved it (I did it 3 times), now I am up and running smooth. Although this may seem silly, remember to unzip the OS before copying to the SD, and dd the .img file, not the zip, I confess one time I did flash the zip instead, imagine the results...