Hi everybody, I just wanted to quickly leave the link to a simple fan mount for 80mm fans I shared on Thingiverse. Find it here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2974348 This is just in case someone else also owns a 3D printer, has an 80mm fan lying around and some extra space atop the Udoo. So far it works quite nicely for me, although the airflow seems to be improvable. However, the annoying noise I experienced with the stock fan is virtually gone. I'd like to thank the guys discussing similar solutions in this thread: https://www.udoo.org/forum/threads/how-to-fan-adapter-cable.7081/ The information I derived from the thread enabled me to make it work on first try. I simply ordered an adapter cable exposing the MOLEX 51021-0300 connector from an RC model shop and soldered it to the fan. The 3D print can simply be screwed to the heatsink using M3 and M4 screws. Furthermore, thanks to Udoo for a nice device that endured for a year now without much of a problem (except for the noise level ). (the 80mm fan mounted to the udoo x86) (the fan compared to the stock fan - i know it's oversized ^^) (side view of the fan mount screwed to the heatsink) (view of the funnel) (the wires soldered to the connector) (the original fan wire (left) vs. the board compatible connector (right)) (again, the adapter cable (top) used to get the connector part and the removed original connector of the 80mm fan (bottom)) I hope this information helps someone out there. Have fun!
I do not really see the need for such a large cooling fan. Also, it may fatigue the board, without extra support. Just observations. Ed