I have a udoo quad board, Initially i booted udoo with android image the was no issue. I connected the udoo board to laptop using usb to micro usb through serial port (CN6), the rebooting problem started. The udoo board boots with android stays on android lock screen for 5 secs then reboots. This happens repeatedly any one facing this problem ?
Re: rebooting probem when booting with android image My trouble shooting check list would be: - check for the power adapter if actually supply enough power (between 6 and 15V and at least 1A but I would prefer 2A) - you did't mentioned the lan cable, if you have the lan cable plugged in, disconnect it and check if the board works properly - check what Android version you're running, ES File Explorer app is already installed? if not, you're running the older version and you need to update Anyway, my general suggestion is to reimage your micro SD card with the latest Android image available on our website: www.udoo.org/downloads/ following this step by step guide: http://www.udoo.org/getting-started/cre ... rom-image/
Re: rebooting probem when booting with android image After updating the android os the problelm has been solved.