Hi All, I am very much an amateur at coding and embedded systems so please bare with me, I want to learn but my goodness I should have started years ago. Anyways, I am using a Windows 10 host PC which adds a layer of difficulty because a lot of resources I have found online are for Linux based machines so they do not directly translate (or not in a way that I am able to comprehend). Does anyone know of a decent tutorial for getting a Qt program to run on an UDOOneo board? The tutorial on the website (https://www.udoo.org/tutorial/how-to-build-qt5-for-udoo/) does not seam to work for me. I get to step 4.2 and in the Cmder terminal emulator claims that release is not a function of git... and then step 4.3 apparently I cannot access that file on gitorious for some reason... and then looking at the next few steps I start to get lost. Any help, guidance, or any resource to help get me on the right track would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time.
There is an inportant note in this tutorial... So you have to change to another Linux OS for the Neo that understands QT: Yocto. The thread is here but is is already a couple of years old.... https://www.udoo.org/forum/threads/openembedded-yocto-for-udoo-boards.2965/
Great this is an excellent start, thank you Walter. sounds like I just need to keep doing a lot more reading. Slowly but surely I will make sense of all this!