Yesterday I managed after a bit of trouble with the SD to boot my Udoo . Problem is that when I connected the hdmi to the TV the screen wasn't really fitted, the top and bottom are missing, if I send the cursor to the top and press the scroll down menu comes out but I can't see it. I can up ad pics if they are needed. Have a nice day and a nice holiday.
Well i tried to change the zoom of the tv but as soon as i go back to the udoo screen via the hdmi it auto refits the ubuntu screen. any other solution ?
This problem seems to be caused by the limited functionality of the HDMI driver on the Udoo, it doesn't seem to pick up the native resolution of the device. You can force a display mode in Ubuntu that is appropriate for your device, which should alleviate the issue. Then you can save it so that mode is used on future reboots. Thanks, EBrown