Can the Arduino and the ARM communicate with each other through some form of low-latency bridge? The ideal would be a shared-memory buffer. The use case here is LinuxCNC, and the model I am looking at is the Beagle Bone config that has been developed. In that case LinuxCNC runs under Linux on a Xenomai-patched real-time kernel, but hands-off fast io tasks to the PRU (Programmable realtime Unit). What I am hoping to be able to do is the same sort of split between the two halves of the Udoo, but I need to figure out how those two halves communicate. I confess I haven't done any research at all, not even read the manual, only skimmed the subject headers in this forum. I agree that this is terribly remiss of me, but I am hoping that folk might be kind enough to point me in the right direction.
There is a default serial connection built in. (It's supposed to be capable of 115200bps but several have seemed to have some issues with that.) Thanks, EBrown
115200bps is likely to be much too slow, that would take about 1mS to send 20 bytes of update data. I was hoping for something at least an order of magnitude faster than that.