Hello, I just begin with Udoo and everything works fine, bravo ! Congratulations to the entire team ! This little Udoo is great. There is just one (actually perhaps 2 or 3 more...) thing which is still confused for me : I just finished to skim through the Manual and my impression is that the activation of spdif output/input is not as easy as I thought... Am I wrong ? It seems that I need to "compile a kernel source", edit "macro’ s array"...etc. Wouaou ! I thought that a simple gpioXX editing would suffice... So, here is my newbie's question : is it within the reach of someone who does not understand the command line or must I expect for a nerd's tutorial to plug my DAC/ADC into Udoo ? Thank you. P.S. Excuse my English... Dzef.
Hello, Well, according to the Manual, I modified the file board-mx6qd_seco_UDOO.h : - I enabled macros EIM_D21, GPIO_19, DISP0_13, 14, 16...19. - I remove the related GPIOs macro. Then, after recompiling kernel and modules : neither input (pin21) nor output (pin44) spdif available, no choice in "alsamixer"...etc Did I forgot anything ? Thanks for your help...